Shop Product Reviews

Collect and display your customer reviews: product reviews and store reviews, without subscription. Create your rating criteria, enjoy multiple options for displaying and positioning customer reviews, reply to customer ratings and increase their loyalty.


Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews
Shop Product Reviews

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Set up a complete and customized customer review collection system on your PrestaShop store! Shop Product Reviews allows you to collect your customers' opinions about your products but also about their general shopping experience on your shop. Do you want to know their opinion on specific points? Define your own rating criteria, either for your products or your shop.

You want to import your old reviews to keep your history? No problem, the module offers a simple and intuitive import/export tool! And if you currently have the native module of PrestaShop (Product Comments) or the module of store and product reviews from Línea Gráfica, the import is totally automatic, you do not have to do anything, you just have to install our module and it takes care of retrieving the history of your reviews!

Our module respects the GDPR and all the European directives in force (such as the decree n° 2017-1436, or the directive (EU) 2019/2161) concerning the information obligations related to online consumer reviews, by putting in place everything necessary for the customer to be informed in a clear and precise way about the review management system. It allows you to display a "Verified Purchase" badge to certify that the review is a result of an order, and only customers who have an account can review your products and your shop.


88% of Internet users consult customer reviews before making a purchase on an e-commerce site and 91% of 18-25 year olds give as much importance to reviews on the Internet as to those of their relatives. By displaying customer reviews of your products and/or your store on your website, you increase your customers' trust in your brand. Customer reviews are a social proof of your store's reliability and play the role of a digital word of mouth. The importance of customer reviews in the e-commerce world is well known: they are now a key element in the decision-making process and in your marketing strategy.

Moreover, customer reviews are a great free advertising tool and a way to get relevant, recent and regularly renewed content. This UGC (User Generated Content) is one of the main criteria examined by Google to improve your SEO. If your theme is properly tagged, Google will be able to show the stars corresponding to the average rating of the products in its natural results which will also improve your visibility, your click rate and your traffic.

Our "Shop Product Reviews" module is much more than a simple review collection module. With its multiple features and options for displaying reviews, whether on product pages or list pages, through dedicated blocks or badges, our "Shop Product Reviews" module allows you to reassure your customers, reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase your conversion rate. According to a study, from the first review posted on a product, the conversion rate increases by 10%, then 30% after 50 reviews, and up to more than 44% with 200 reviews! So don't hesitate!


The ""Shop Product Reviews"" module allows you to activate independently the collection of product reviews and the collection of reviews on your store in general. For each review system, many options are available: activation of moderation, display of reviews only in the current language, activation of a voting system, display of a "latest reviews" block, etc...

The product ratings will be displayed as stars. You have the ability to customize the color of the stars to fit your theme as there are an infinite number of colors available. A "Verified Purchase" badge can be displayed next to the reviews that result from an order, to further reinforce the confidence of future buyers. The color of the badge is also fully customizable as well as its text.

Whether it is for product or shop reviews, a system of precise scheduling of the sending of rating request e-mails is available. You also have the possibility to send a reminder if your customer has not given a review following the first e-mail. The titles and texts of the e-mails can be configured directly through the module, for each language of your store.

Product reviews

Give the possibility to evaluate a product to all registered customers or only to customers who ordered the product. The latter option makes it possible to further increase the reliability of customer feedback on your products.

Enjoy flexible positioning on product pages: Display your reviews either in the footer or within a tab (if your theme supports page tabs), and decide where to position the average product rating. Also decide to display the average product rating on list pages.

Allow your visitors to filter the reviews by rating and sort them as they want. Show them the distribution of the number of reviews by rating and allow them to get a quick and global idea of the reviews on a product, by enabling the display of a "battle" block showing the best review and the most critical one opposite each other.

Also note that by implementing product reviews, the average rating can appear in Google's natural results as stars, which will attract attention and increase your visibility. Links that display a product rating have a click-through rate (CTR) between 15 and 30% higher.

Shop reviews

Why not also collect feedback from your customers about their overall shopping experience? Activate shop reviews and allow your customers to share their feelings about their experience on your site, the choice offered, the offers or even the ease of payment and delivery! This will strengthen the bond you have with them by showing them that you are listening to their needs and will contribute to increase loyalty.

Place the link to the shop review form wherever you want on your website: customer account, product pages, menu, ... The module also allows you to display a "shop review" badge with the average rating given by your customers to your store, on the pages of your site while choosing its position and color.


Do you want to know what your customers think about particular points? Create your own rating criteria! Whether it is for products or the store, the module offers you the possibility to create personalized criteria. You decide how the criteria are worded and whether you want to reserve them for certain products or categories!

Use the product rating criteria to ask your customers to rate specific characteristics of certain items in order to validate or not your choice of products or suppliers: fabric quality, price, fit of a garment, sturdiness etc... It is a free way to know the efficiency of your catalog and a precious help to make informed decisions about your products.

As for the rating criteria for your shop in general, you also have the choice: navigation, site ergonomics, variety of products, clarity of descriptions, ease of payment, or even choice of delivery points! The feedback from your customers will allow you to make the right choices and get a better customer satisfaction rate.

Not to mention the SEO benefit of the criteria! If you guide customers by asking them to give feedback on specific topics through the rating criteria, your customers will tend to use specific keywords that will boost your SEO on certain queries.


Your customers sometimes need a little help! Encourage them to leave their opinion on the products they bought, or about your shop, by offering them a voucher in exchange! This will encourage them to come back to place an order on your online store and will increase their loyalty.

Once your offer is configured within the module, it will be displayed in the rating invitation e-mails and also in the product or shop rating forms.


Our module allows you to send a reply to customer reviews, whether positive or negative. You can also choose to display this reply below the customer review on your store.

Indeed, while customer reviews are essential, it's also important to reply to them to show that you offer a quality service and that customer satisfaction is your priority. You also encourage future customers, who will see your replies, to share their experience.

By taking the time to respond to your satisfied customers, you show them that you're grateful to them for taking the trouble to give their opinion, and you reinforce their attachment to your store. As for dissatisfied customers, it's never easy to respond to them, but it can be an excellent opportunity to show them, and other visitors, that you're listening, that you understand their dissatisfaction and that you're doing everything you can to try and find a solution. What's more, if they see that you take customer relationships to heart, there's a good chance they'll change their rating...


  • Ability to choose the color of the stars of the product and shop ratings (infinite choice)
  • Ability to choose the size of the stars
  • Ability to show a "Verified purchase" badge next to reviews related to an order placed on your site (the badge color and label are customizable for each language)


Here are the options you will find for both the product and shop review configuration. The two review systems (product and shop) are configured completely independently:

  • Activation/Deactivation of reviews (products and/or shop)
  • Ability to make writing a comment mandatory
  • Ability to define a minimum number of characters
  • Ability to activate the moderation of the reviews so that you can validate the reviews before publishing them (in order to respect the law, a badge will indicate to your customers that the reviews are moderated)
  • Ability to activate the modification of reviews (in order to respect the law, a link to the CMS page in which you explain your review management system will be displayed above the list of reviews)
  • Ability to display only the reviews corresponding to the current language of the shop
  • Ability to allow visitors to report abuse
  • Ability to allow your visitors to vote for the usefulness of a review
  • Ability to display, on the home page, a block with the latest product and/or shop reviews published (with configuration of the number of reviews to display). This block also contains links to pages listing all product reviews or all shop reviews.

  • Choice of the type of customers who can review a product: all registered customers or only customers who have ordered the product concerned
  • Ability to hide product descriptions in the review form
  • Your customers can rate a product directly from their order details
  • Your customers can rate all the products they have ordered one after the other on the same page (cascading rating) from their customer account

Display on product pages

  • Ability to choose the position of the reviews: footer, page tab (for compatible themes) or use of widget mode for a customized position
  • Ability to choose the position of the average product rating: under the product price, under the add to cart button or in the product reassurance block
  • Ability to allow customers to review a product directly from the product page
  • Ability to display "empty" stars if the product has no reviews yet
  • Customization of the text to be displayed if there are no reviews yet
  • Customization of the number of reviews to display per page
  • Ability to display a "battle" block presenting face to face the best review and the most critical
  • Customization of the minimum number of reviews required to display the distribution of ratings and the "battle" block (if it has been activated)
  • Ability to display a block with the average rating by product rating criteria
  • Ability to let customers filter and/or sort reviews by rating or review date (ascending/descending order)

Display on product list pages

  • Ability to activate the display of stars corresponding to the average product ratings on the list pages (only stars or stars with average rating and total number of ratings)
  • Ability to display "empty" stars if the product has no reviews yet
  • Configuration of the size of the stars and the size of the text to fit the theme
  • Ability to display, on category pages, a block with the latest product reviews published (with configuration of the position of the block and the number of reviews to display). This block also contains a link to a page listing all product reviews.
  • Ability to display, on category pages, a block with the average rating of the products of the category (with configuration of the block position)

Configuration of a voucher in exchange for a review

  • Activation/deactivation of the voucher
  • Configuration of the voucher awarding mode: one voucher per order or one voucher per customer
  • Complete configuration of the voucher (value, eligible categories, conditions of use etc...)
  • Personalization of the text inviting to rate in exchange for a voucher
  • Personalization of the text informing of the minimum purchase amount to use the voucher
  • The customer is informed of the offer in the rating request e-mail and on the rating form

  • Ability to display on your website pages, a "Shop reviews" badge containing the average rating of your shop and a link to the page listing all shop reviews
  • Ability to display the average shop rating in the footer, with a link below to the page listing all shop reviews
  • Configuration of the badge position
  • Configuration of the text color and the background color of the badge
  • Ability to activate or not the display of the badge on mobile
  • Configuration of the position of the shop review form: display of the button to rate the shop in the customer accounts, on the product pages and/or in the left column. We also provide you with the link to the form so that you can position it wherever you want (menu, CMS page, ...)
  • Ability for the customer to modify his or her shop review

  • Ability to create one or more rating criteria, for product reviews and for shop reviews (independently)
  • Customization of the criterion name (multi-language configuration)
  • Activation/Deactivation of a criterion
  • Ability to apply a rating criterion only to specific products and/or specific categories

  • Activation/Deactivation of evaluation e-mails
  • Selection of the order status on which the module has to base the sending of the rating request e-mail
  • Configuration of the number of days before the e-mail is sent, starting from the status change
  • Customization of the subject and content of the e-mail, for each language of the store
  • Ability to activate the sending of a second e-mail (reminder), with configuration of the number of days between the sending of the first e-mail and the sending of the second.
  • Customization of the subject and content of the reminder email, for each language of the store
  • URL of CRON to use for sending rating emails and reminders (one for shop reviews and one for product reviews)
  • Google My Business: Possibility of including a request to review your store on Google in rating request e-mails

Note: In order to respect your customers' choice and to comply with regulations, we have added, in rating request e-mails, a link to unsubscribe and no longer receive solicitations for a rating.

  • Ability to activate/deactivate the publication of a review
  • Ability to edit a review(*)
  • Ability to delete a review(*)
  • Ability to add a review manually(*)

(*)Depending on the law applicable in your country, it is your responsibility to inform your customers of the way their reviews are handled. In case of activation of the review moderation, a badge informing the customers of the moderation will be displayed, above the review list. In case of activation of the modification of the reviews, there will be, in addition, a link to the CMS page in which you detail your policy of management and treatment of the customers’ reviews.

  • Possibility of replying to the review of a customer by e-mail and/or displaying the reply under the review in your store
  • Bad reviews:
    • Selection of the rating below which you want to receive an alert
    • Right of reply: personalization of the default message to be sent to customers in case of a bad rating (sending triggered by your manual action, ability to adapt the content of the e-mail according to the customer case)
    • Dispute management tool with tracking of the status of the file and notification in case of the modification of the rating


First of all, if you currently have the native PrestaShop module (Product Comments) or the store and product reviews module from Línea Gráfica, our module will automatically retrieve your review history. You do not have to do anything, everything is automatic.

If you are using another review system and want to switch to our module while keeping your review history, nothing could be easier! The module contains an import/export tool for product and store reviews:

  • Import tool for product and shop reviews from a CSV file (CSV file template provided)
  • File preview tool before import
  • Ability to fill in missing data before import
  • Ability to import only certain reviews from the file
  • Selection of the status that the reviews have to have after import ("published" or "Pending moderation")
  • Export tool for product and shop reviews in a CSV file with the ability to specify the language of the reviews to export

  • Ability to exclude specific e-mail addresses or exclude certain domains (like marketplaces)
  • Ability to exclude specific customer groups
  • Ability to exclude customers who have not opted in to the newsletter
  • Ability to exclude certain products from the rating system
  • Ability to activate the sharing of product reviews on Twitter and/or Facebook (from the product pages or the list pages)


Our module is compatible with Presta-Module's "Advanced Pack" module for creating and managing advanced packs and bundles: your customers can rate a pack of products as a whole or each product separately. An "Advanced Pack + Shop Product Reviews" bundle offer is available on the Presta-Module website.





Also publish your customers' video reviews on your store's product pages! Shop Product Reviews is compatible with our automated video customer review service


"Shop Product Reviews" is compatible with Presta-Module's "Advanced Pack" module

Are you selling products in bundles? Our module is fully compatible with Presta-Module's "Advanced Pack" module (see the pack of the two modules here). By combining the two, your customers can review the pack as a whole or each of the products in the pack. The average rating of the pack, as well as of each product in the pack, and details of all ratings and reviews, will be displayed on the "pack" pages.

"Shop Product Reviews" is compatible with the video customer review service:

Also publish your customers' video reviews on your store's product pages! Shop Product Reviews is compatible with our automated video customer review service Video adds authenticity to reviews published on your store. Test free of charge, with no obligation. More information on the service's website.


Your visitors, who may not be familiar with your brand and cannot hold your products in their hands like in a physical store, will appreciate being able to refer to the experience of previous buyers to make their decision. Feedback from other customers is a way for them to reassure themselves, confirm the characteristics of a product and even get additional information. They can even interact with other people's reviews by voting on how useful a review is in their decision making. By sharing their opinion, they will have the feeling of creating a community around your brand.


  • About upgrading from version 4 to version 5: Upgrading from version 4 to version 5 may require some integration work.

  • The module complies with European directives:: Our module complies with the GDPR and all the European directives in force (such as the decree n° 2017-1436 or the EU directive 2019/2161 of the European Parliament) relating to information obligations concerning online consumer reviews. However, it is your responsibility, thanks to the module's functionalities, to bring your online store up to standard by relying on the texts of the decrees available on the websites and

  • Network Sharing and GDPR Compliance: By installing this module, in addition to the implementation of a rating and review management system, you allow your customers to react to feedback on your products through tools made available by Facebook and Twitter (“like” and / or "share" buttons). Regarding this, Facebook and Twitter are likely to access certain information relating to their browsing. We remind you that, as responsible for the use of personal data of your customers and visitors and in order to respect the new European General Data Protection Regulation, you must clearly inform your users of this, in an easily accessible documentation (e.g. your Terms and Conditions). You must provide them with the links that will direct them to Facebook and Twitter’s personal data policies. You also must inform them of their rights, in particular their right of opposition to the use of their personal data and the means to assert their rights.
    We decline all responsability in case of non-compliance with the above mentioned Regulation.


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