Ticket d'intervention 30 min

An integration problem on your custom theme, a misconfiguration, a conflict with a third party module, server problem...? Ask one of our develpers to intervene!


Ticket d'intervention 30 min

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Login for the back-office:

E-mail: demo@demo.com
Password: demodemo


Agencies, developer, save 15% on your order if you do not need support.
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You're in good hands with us:

4x PrestaShop Awards winner

4x PrestaShop "jury favorites"

Fast and efficient tech support

Warranty and module updates

High performance code


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Your guarantees

Request handled within 24 business hours max.

Validity of ticket: Usable once during the year following the date of purchase.

Each ticket corresponds to 30 minutes of site intervention (i.e. 2 tickets bought= 1 hour)

Your technical at BusinessTech will tell you in a prior diagnosis the number of tickets for our developers to meet your needs.

Included in the intervention ticket :

  • Interventions detailed in the preliminary diagnosis (paid service)
  • The connection to your production or approval server (FTP & Back-Office)
  • The configuration of one of our modules
  • Support for the resolution of incorrect server setting to send to your hosting provider
  • The integration of our modules to your custom theme to the limit of 30 minutes of intervention per ticket ordered.

Not included in the ticket :

  • Interventions not listed in the preliminary diagnosis
  • Solving problems resulting from a change of PrestaShop core


After your order tickets intervention, you must provide the following information to our technical team at the following address: contact form

  • Order Number of your tickets intervention order
  • FTP Access
  • Access Database (phpMyAdmin or equivalent)
  • URL of your website
  • URL of your back office
  • Access back-office (with sufficient rights to solving the problem)