Advanced Featured Products

Full and professional control over your homepage products, much more than with the standard PrestaShop module.


Advanced Featured Products
Advanced Featured Products
Advanced Featured Products
Advanced Featured Products
Advanced Featured Products
Advanced Featured Products

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Display clickable tabs (dynamic jQuery tabs) on your homepage, each with a selection of products: promotions, new products, best sales, categories, free custom selection...


100% compatible with responsive themes, this powerful tool allows you to display many products on your homepage, while occupying minimal space / real estate on screen. Each tab will reveal its own selection of products, without the need to reload the page. This has several advantages:

  • You can display your new products, promotions and product selections on a single page, and give your visitors a larger view of your shop, thereby maximizing your chances to convert them into customers. This therefore increases your conversion rate and sales volume.
  • More product based content means more keywords and, with its well structured HTML, this can help your Google rankings.
  • Finally, your homepage will be lively and well animated. With this module, coupled with a slideshow module and eventually another brand based module such as our “Brands Plus” module (available on this site), you will have all the tools you need to create an attractive, professional and up-to-date homepage for your PrestaShop website, impressing and boosting your customers’ confidence in your shop.


Visitors will be able to immediately access the shop’s most important and newsworthy items: new products, promotions, featured products, best sales or any other custom section of products, featured by the merchant. The visitor will therefore be one click away from all the shop’s current important products, directly on the homepage. In the end, this is time saved and a better perception of the shop’s offer in one quick glance.


Increase your conversion rate and average cart value with this stylish merchandising tool

Display your best products to your customers directly on your homepage, and allow your shop to always look different when visitors get to your homepage. The module offers many advanced features:

  • Create as many tabs as you wish
  • Several types of pre-configured tabs: new products, promotions, best sales, Home Featured products (just like PrestaShop’s built-in Home Featured module)
  • Category based tabs: create a selection of products based on categories
  • Freestyle tabs: create custom tabs with hand-picked products, via an easy to use and efficient keyword search interface on the module’s configuration screen.
  • Each tab can be named / labelled freely
  • The sort order of the various tabs can be modified easily via drag and drop, and the sort order of products inside each tab can also bet set
  • Appearance of the tabs and products can be customized via the module’s CSS file
  • Elegant and efficient AJAX based back-office
  • These tabs fit perfectly with the PrestaShop 1.6 tabs used by native modules : "Best-selling products", "Featured products on the homepage", "Specials block", "New products block". You can display your homeproduct tabs before or after the native tabs through the back office "Position" tool.


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