Social Login

Offer your visitors a social connect function to create their account or login in 1 click with Facebook, Google, TikTok, PayPal, Amazon or even X (formerly Twitter). Social Login installs where you want the buttons to connect with social networks.


Social Login
Social Login
Social Login
Social Login
Social Login
Social Login
Social Login

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Did you know that one of the main purchase obstacles on the Internet is to have to create a custom account? With "Social Login" module, boost your conversion rate by letting your customers easily register and log in to your shop through their favorite social network: Facebook, Google, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Amazon or even PayPal!

Reduce your abandoned cart rate!

This is a known fact in the world of e-commerce that the less friction there is during checkout, the higher the chance is that the customer will finalize his or her order. By removing the account creation step, you significantly reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate on your shop.

How to do it? By using the connection of Internet users to the social networks.

Indeed, the use of social networks is growing at an unprecedented rate, especially since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. There are now more than 4 billion active users in the world.
So do not hesitate any more and use this incredible craze to your advantage! Allow your visitors to create a customer account instantly on your store, using their favorite social network, to which they are permanently connected.

No more account creation or identification forms, which are real obstacles to conversion. Thanks to our "Social Login" module, Internet users, whether they already have an account on your shop or not, connect in only one click via Facebook, Google, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Amazon or even PayPal.
No need to remember their password anymore! Even when changing device: whether they are on their smartphone or their tablet, a simple click on the social login button is enough to connect to their account on your store. Moreover, if they use a PayPal connection, their shipping/billing address is also automatically filled in their account.

But that's not all! You can go even further in simplifying the shopping tunnel by linking "Social Login" with Presta-Module's "One Click Order" module(*) and offering your customers, not only the one-click connection, but also the one-click order! Placing an order on your site has never been so easy!

Total freedom in positioning your connectors

The module offers you multiple possibilities to position your connectors and even goes so far as to leave you the hand to precisely place your connection buttons.
In fact, in addition to the standard positions such as, among others, the login page or the order tunnel, the module provides you with an advanced positioning tool for your connectors: simply select the HTML element on which you want to see the buttons, fill it in the configuration and the module takes care of everything!

A neat design and advanced customization of the connection blocks

Our "Social Login" module, totally responsive, has been implemented according to the latest standards provided by social networks. The ergonomics of the buttons has been worked on to allow the best user experience, whatever the type of device used (smartphone, tablet, desktop computer, ...).

In addition, regardless of the position chosen for your login buttons, the module provides you with a complete CSS tool allowing you to fully customize the appearance of each connection block, in a completely independent way.

Finally, in order to best adapt to the design of your site, the module also allows you to choose, for each position of the connectors, between standard or mini size buttons. Also, you can add a shaded effect under the buttons and round the edges for a perfect finish!

Take advantage of this customization flexibility to make your shop visually unique!

A configuration adapted to all

The module is suitable for all skill levels! Benefit from a clear, intuitive and documented configuration interface that allows you to set up your login buttons as quickly and efficiently as possible. Choose the default positions defined by the module for an ultra-fast installation. You have some technical skills? Use the advanced positioning tool of the module!


Advanced tools for positioning connectors

The module lets you choose as many connectors as you want among the 6 available:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • TikTok
  • PayPal
  • Amazon
  • X (formerly Twitter)

and position them, in the order you want, in one or more places on your shop.

You have two possibilities to position your connectors:

Using the pre-defined positions (native hooks):

  • On Login page
  • At the very top of your website
  • At the very bottom of your website
  • In the user block
  • On the first step of the classical order tunnel
  • On your "One Page Checkout" if you have activated the option in your PrestaShop

Using your page HTML elements:

If default positions do not suit you, we give you a tool allowing you to precisely indicate to the module on which HTML element you want the connectors to appear. After configuring this new custom position, the module will display the connectors at the desired location.

Button customization
  • Choice of button size: standard or "mini" (possibility of a different size depending on the location)
  • Choice of the shape of the buttons:
    • Rectangular
    • Rectangular with rounded edges
  • Possibility to define a different text per language in the buttons
  • Possibility to add a "shadow" effect under the buttons

Advanced appearance configuration of connection blocks

Whichever method you use to place your connectors, you have a complete CSS tool to fully and independently customize each connection block that is on your site.

Thus, for each position of the connectors, you can:

  • Choose the color / size of the edges of the connection block
  • Choose its background color
  • Display a customized text above the buttons
  • Choose the color / size of this customized text
  • Choose the padding for each side of the connection block
  • Choose the marging for each side of the connection block
  • Choose the order of the login buttons in the block
  • Choose the "mini" style for the buttons of the block

Customization of the redirection page

The Social Login module allows you to choose the page on which you want to redirect your customers after their connection through a social network.

You have the choice between:

  • the cart page
  • the home page
  • the page "My account"

Increase in the number of customers thanks to vouchers

Increase your number of customers by offering a voucher in exchange for a quick account creation on your shop via their favorite social network!
They will not only waste time filling out a registration form but, in addition, they will take advantage of a voucher. Ordering will be greatly facilitated!

The module gives you the possibility to highlight, or not, this offer in different positions on your website and to fully configure its application conditions directly from the module's back office.

Measure the efficiency of your connectors

The Social Login module also allows you to analyze the popularity of each connector so that you can decide to propose the connection through a given social network rather than another for example. It even allows you to analyze the amounts spent by your customers according to the social network used when they connect!

Integration with the "One Click Order" module of Presta-Module

The "Social Login" module perfectly integrates with the "One Click Order" module of Presta-Module.
By combining the two you will have THE perfect combination to boost your sales: your customers will not only log in to your site in 1 click but also place an order in 1 click. Your conversion rate will be greatly improved.


No need to remember their password anymore! In one click, your customers will identify themselves on your site, from any device. They will appreciate this convenience and will be more willing to finalize their order on your shop.


  • Regarding the PayPal login button: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect has led to the reinforcement of PayPal's security measures regarding the data collection through their applications. In order to collect personal information other than the full name of your customers, such as their e-mail address, postal address or phone number, Paypal now requires you send them an e-mail explaining why you are creating the app and what data you want to recover. But do not worry, we explain how to proceed in a FAQ.
  • Concerning the TikTok login button: to be able to configure the 1-click login with TikTok, you will have to validate the TikTok application that allows you to make the link between your online store and the social network. But here again, don't worry, we provide you with the procedure to follow in our FAQ.

  • Compliance with the GDPR: By installing this module you offer your users the opportunity to connect via the social networks. This involves the recovery from these social networks of the following personal data: lastname, firstname, e-mail address and, if using PayPal connector, the postal address. Regarding this, we remind you that, as responsible for the use of personal data of your customers and visitors and in order to respect the new European General Data Protection Regulation, you must clearly inform your users of this, in an easily accessible documentation (e.g. your Terms and Conditions). You also must inform them of their rights, in particular their right of opposition to the use of their personal data and the means to assert their rights.
    We decline all responsability in case of non-compliance with the above mentioned Regulation.


BusinessTech is specialized in the development and publishing of Facebook modules for PrestaShop. Visit our complete catalog : Facebook & Social Networks modules


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